Classificaunder/over Il quarto American League

Western Conference Classifica Western Conference »
Tutte In casa In trasferta

La classifica è divisa in 3 parti. Totale gol nella partita (ospitante+ospite) Gol/nessun gol e partite terminate zero a zero.

Nella prima sezione trovi informazione in quante partite il numero dei gol era superiore a 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 gol. Questo può essere utile alle scommesse Under/Over. Nelle ultime colonne puoi controllare in quante statistiche la squadra ha vinto/perso a zero e in quante entrambe le squadre hanno realizzato gol.

Il quarto American League 2024 - Under/Over Classifica
Squadra Numero totale dei gol nella partita (ospitante + ospite) Gol/senza gol a zero Scommesse H2H
# Squadra PG GR GS Media Over 0.5 Over 1.5 Over 2.5 Over 3.5 Over 4.5 BTS CS FTS WTN LTS Scommessa H2H
- Project 51O 14 30 27 4.07 100% 100% 86% 57% 29% 79% 7% 14% 7% 14%
- Marin 14 18 29 3.36 93% 86% 86% 50% 21% 71% 14% 21% 7% 14%
- Davis Legacy 14 23 29 3.71 100% 86% 86% 64% 21% 86% 0% 14% 0% 14%
- Tacoma Stars 14 34 26 4.29 100% 93% 79% 57% 57% 86% 0% 14% 0% 14%
- Seahorses 14 18 45 4.50 93% 86% 79% 57% 50% 57% 21% 29% 14% 21%
- Colorado ISA 12 6 49 4.58 100% 100% 92% 58% 42% 50% 0% 50% 0% 50%
- Coachella 14 17 48 4.64 86% 86% 79% 57% 50% 64% 14% 36% 0% 21%
- Redlands 14 37 28 4.64 79% 71% 71% 57% 57% 64% 29% 29% 7% 7%
- Capital 14 19 36 3.93 100% 86% 71% 57% 43% 71% 7% 21% 7% 21%
- Ballard 14 39 15 3.86 100% 86% 71% 50% 29% 64% 29% 7% 29% 7%
- Monterey Bay II 14 25 22 3.36 100% 93% 71% 36% 14% 71% 14% 14% 14% 14%
- FC Tucson 14 33 18 3.64 86% 86% 71% 57% 43% 71% 29% 14% 14% 0%
- SF Glens 14 27 16 3.07 100% 79% 71% 36% 14% 64% 21% 14% 21% 14%
- Flatirons Rush 12 34 12 3.83 100% 100% 83% 50% 17% 75% 25% 0% 25% 0%
- West Seattle Junction 14 25 34 4.21 100% 93% 71% 71% 43% 71% 7% 21% 7% 21%
- Capo II 14 29 26 3.93 93% 93% 64% 43% 36% 50% 14% 43% 7% 36%
- Academica 14 20 25 3.21 93% 86% 64% 36% 21% 71% 29% 7% 21% 0%
- Midlakes United 14 19 23 3.00 100% 79% 64% 36% 21% 71% 21% 7% 21% 7%
- AMSG 14 21 20 2.93 93% 79% 64% 29% 29% 64% 14% 29% 7% 21%
- Ventura County Fusion 14 37 10 3.36 93% 71% 64% 36% 36% 29% 71% 7% 64% 0%
- Utah United 11 23 13 3.27 109% 100% 73% 27% 9% 73% 36% 0% 36% 0%
- Almaden 14 23 14 2.64 93% 64% 57% 36% 14% 64% 29% 14% 21% 7%
- Oly Town 14 19 32 3.64 100% 86% 57% 43% 36% 71% 14% 14% 14% 14%
- Lane United 14 18 20 2.71 100% 79% 57% 21% 14% 79% 7% 14% 7% 14%
- New Mexico United II 11 17 14 2.82 100% 91% 64% 27% 0% 64% 9% 27% 9% 27%
- Utah Avalanche 12 14 19 2.75 92% 83% 58% 25% 17% 75% 25% 8% 17% 0%
- United PDX 14 23 10 2.36 100% 57% 43% 21% 14% 43% 36% 21% 36% 21%
- Ogden City 11 18 15 3.00 91% 82% 55% 27% 18% 73% 9% 27% 0% 18%
- Arizona Arsenal 14 20 17 2.64 79% 57% 36% 36% 29% 43% 36% 43% 14% 21%
- San Francisco City 14 14 18 2.29 93% 64% 36% 14% 7% 36% 29% 43% 21% 36%
- Albion Colorado 11 21 11 2.91 109% 91% 45% 27% 18% 64% 27% 18% 27% 18%
Central Conference Classifica Central Conference »
Tutte In casa In trasferta

La classifica è divisa in 3 parti. Totale gol nella partita (ospitante+ospite) Gol/nessun gol e partite terminate zero a zero.

Nella prima sezione trovi informazione in quante partite il numero dei gol era superiore a 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 gol. Questo può essere utile alle scommesse Under/Over. Nelle ultime colonne puoi controllare in quante statistiche la squadra ha vinto/perso a zero e in quante entrambe le squadre hanno realizzato gol.

Il quarto American League 2024 - Under/Over Classifica
Squadra Numero totale dei gol nella partita (ospitante + ospite) Gol/senza gol a zero Scommesse H2H
# Squadra PG GR GS Media Over 0.5 Over 1.5 Over 2.5 Over 3.5 Over 4.5 BTS CS FTS WTN LTS Scommessa H2H
- Sueno 11 22 34 5.09 109% 109% 109% 82% 55% 82% 9% 18% 9% 18%
- Chicago Dutch Lions 12 5 51 4.67 100% 100% 92% 75% 50% 42% 0% 58% 0% 58%
- Kalamazoo FC 14 37 15 3.71 100% 86% 79% 57% 29% 50% 43% 7% 43% 7%
- South Bend Lions 14 6 55 4.36 93% 79% 79% 71% 50% 29% 7% 71% 0% 64%
- Michigan Bucks 14 39 16 3.93 93% 86% 71% 50% 36% 64% 36% 7% 29% 0%
- River Light 12 26 20 3.83 100% 92% 83% 58% 33% 83% 17% 0% 17% 0%
- St. Charles 11 32 19 4.64 91% 91% 91% 55% 55% 82% 18% 9% 9% 0%
- Peoria 12 35 13 4.00 100% 100% 83% 58% 33% 58% 33% 8% 33% 8%
- AFC Ann Arbor 14 29 18 3.36 93% 71% 71% 43% 29% 50% 43% 14% 36% 7%
- Union Macomb 14 21 28 3.50 100% 79% 64% 57% 43% 50% 14% 36% 14% 36%
- St. Croix 12 23 18 3.42 100% 100% 75% 42% 17% 58% 25% 17% 25% 17%
- Buffalo 12 36 23 4.92 100% 83% 75% 75% 50% 75% 8% 17% 8% 17%
- Midwest United 14 28 13 2.93 93% 79% 64% 36% 21% 36% 50% 21% 43% 14%
- Des Moines Menace 12 37 10 3.92 100% 92% 75% 67% 50% 58% 33% 8% 33% 8%
- Thunder Bay Chill 12 25 14 3.25 100% 83% 75% 42% 17% 67% 25% 8% 25% 8%
- Chicago City 10 15 25 4.00 100% 100% 80% 60% 40% 70% 20% 30% 10% 20%
- Rochester 11 9 29 3.45 109% 91% 64% 45% 18% 55% 0% 55% 0% 55%
- Milwaukee Bavarians 12 23 17 3.33 100% 75% 58% 50% 33% 58% 42% 0% 42% 0%
- RKC 11 21 16 3.36 109% 100% 64% 36% 9% 45% 27% 36% 27% 36%
- Oakland County 14 16 26 3.00 100% 79% 50% 43% 29% 43% 21% 36% 21% 36%
- Lansing City 14 20 25 3.21 86% 71% 50% 43% 36% 36% 29% 50% 14% 36%
- Fort Wayne 12 20 10 2.50 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 58% 42% 0% 42% 0%
- Cleveland Force 12 22 19 3.42 92% 83% 50% 33% 25% 67% 25% 17% 17% 8%
- Toledo Villa 12 18 14 2.67 92% 67% 50% 33% 17% 58% 33% 17% 25% 8%
- Minneapolis City 12 11 18 2.42 100% 67% 42% 25% 8% 25% 33% 42% 33% 42%
- Dayton Dutch Lions 12 5 30 2.92 100% 58% 42% 42% 8% 17% 17% 67% 17% 67%
- Kings Hammer 12 14 19 2.75 100% 83% 33% 25% 17% 58% 17% 25% 17% 25%
Southern Conference Classifica Southern Conference »
Tutte In casa In trasferta

La classifica è divisa in 3 parti. Totale gol nella partita (ospitante+ospite) Gol/nessun gol e partite terminate zero a zero.

Nella prima sezione trovi informazione in quante partite il numero dei gol era superiore a 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 gol. Questo può essere utile alle scommesse Under/Over. Nelle ultime colonne puoi controllare in quante statistiche la squadra ha vinto/perso a zero e in quante entrambe le squadre hanno realizzato gol.

Il quarto American League 2024 - Under/Over Classifica
Squadra Numero totale dei gol nella partita (ospitante + ospite) Gol/senza gol a zero Scommesse H2H
# Squadra PG GR GS Media Over 0.5 Over 1.5 Over 2.5 Over 3.5 Over 4.5 BTS CS FTS WTN LTS Scommessa H2H
- Hill Country Lobos 12 21 46 5.58 100% 100% 92% 83% 67% 92% 0% 8% 0% 8%
- Nona 12 35 13 4.00 92% 92% 92% 58% 42% 67% 25% 17% 17% 8%
- Asheville City 12 37 6 3.58 92% 92% 92% 67% 17% 42% 58% 8% 50% 0%
- East Atlanta 11 22 25 4.27 109% 109% 91% 73% 36% 91% 9% 9% 9% 9%
- Corpus Christi 12 42 12 4.50 92% 83% 83% 42% 33% 50% 50% 8% 42% 0%
- Tennessee 12 23 18 3.42 92% 92% 83% 42% 25% 75% 25% 8% 17% 0%
- The Villages 12 38 8 3.83 100% 100% 83% 58% 33% 58% 42% 0% 42% 0%
- Blue Goose 12 15 34 4.08 92% 83% 75% 67% 58% 58% 8% 42% 0% 33%
- AHFC Royals 12 33 16 4.08 100% 75% 75% 58% 33% 67% 33% 0% 33% 0%
- Southern Soccer Academy 12 20 22 3.50 92% 83% 75% 58% 33% 58% 33% 17% 25% 8%
- Pinellas County 11 19 22 3.73 100% 91% 73% 55% 45% 73% 18% 27% 9% 18%
- Brooke House 12 11 29 3.33 92% 92% 67% 50% 17% 58% 8% 42% 0% 33%
- Inter Gainesville 11 13 26 3.55 91% 82% 73% 55% 27% 64% 18% 27% 9% 18%
- Brevard Fire 12 9 37 3.83 100% 83% 67% 58% 50% 50% 8% 42% 8% 42%
- Sarasota Paradise 12 25 12 3.08 83% 75% 67% 33% 25% 50% 50% 17% 33% 0%
- Louisiana Krewe 12 21 19 3.33 92% 83% 67% 50% 25% 67% 17% 25% 8% 17%
- Athens United 12 7 24 2.58 83% 67% 58% 42% 8% 33% 25% 58% 8% 42%
- Florida Elite 11 20 13 3.00 91% 82% 64% 45% 18% 64% 36% 9% 27% 0%
- Brazos Valley 11 15 18 3.00 91% 73% 64% 55% 18% 64% 18% 27% 9% 18%
- Dothan United 12 16 16 2.67 83% 58% 50% 42% 25% 33% 25% 58% 8% 42%
- Miami AC 11 16 15 2.82 100% 64% 55% 36% 27% 55% 36% 18% 27% 9%
- Houston FC 11 12 20 2.91 91% 73% 55% 36% 18% 64% 9% 36% 0% 27%
- Mississippi Brilla 12 17 16 2.75 92% 83% 42% 25% 17% 42% 25% 42% 17% 33%
- Birmingham Legion II 11 8 22 2.73 100% 82% 45% 36% 9% 45% 27% 45% 18% 36%
- Houston Sur 12 7 18 2.08 92% 58% 42% 17% 0% 42% 17% 50% 8% 42%
- Hattiesburg 12 15 17 2.67 100% 67% 42% 33% 25% 58% 17% 25% 17% 25%
- Tampa Bay United 10 16 16 3.20 90% 80% 40% 40% 30% 70% 20% 20% 10% 10%
- Swan City 10 9 11 2.00 80% 40% 40% 20% 20% 30% 40% 50% 10% 20%
- Little Rock Rangers 12 21 3 2.00 92% 67% 25% 8% 8% 25% 75% 8% 67% 0%
- Weston 10 3 12 1.50 90% 40% 20% 0% 0% 20% 30% 70% 10% 50%
Eastern Conference Classifica Eastern Conference »
Tutte In casa In trasferta

La classifica è divisa in 3 parti. Totale gol nella partita (ospitante+ospite) Gol/nessun gol e partite terminate zero a zero.

Nella prima sezione trovi informazione in quante partite il numero dei gol era superiore a 0.5, 1.5, 2.5 gol. Questo può essere utile alle scommesse Under/Over. Nelle ultime colonne puoi controllare in quante statistiche la squadra ha vinto/perso a zero e in quante entrambe le squadre hanno realizzato gol.

Il quarto American League 2024 - Under/Over Classifica
Squadra Numero totale dei gol nella partita (ospitante + ospite) Gol/senza gol a zero Scommesse H2H
# Squadra PG GR GS Media Over 0.5 Over 1.5 Over 2.5 Over 3.5 Over 4.5 BTS CS FTS WTN LTS Scommessa H2H
- Charlotte Eagles 13 29 30 4.54 108% 108% 108% 69% 31% 85% 8% 15% 8% 15%
- Pathfinder 14 22 38 4.29 93% 93% 79% 64% 50% 57% 7% 43% 0% 36%
- Lone Star II 12 19 37 4.67 100% 92% 92% 92% 50% 67% 8% 25% 8% 25%
- Patuxent 12 19 23 3.50 92% 92% 92% 42% 25% 83% 17% 8% 8% 0%
- AC Connecticut 14 25 41 4.71 100% 100% 79% 57% 57% 71% 7% 21% 7% 21%
- Wake 14 22 29 3.64 93% 86% 79% 64% 21% 79% 21% 7% 14% 0%
- West Virginia Chaos 12 23 25 4.00 117% 117% 83% 33% 25% 83% 8% 25% 8% 25%
- Reading United 12 32 20 4.33 100% 100% 83% 42% 33% 83% 8% 8% 8% 8%
- Hudson Valley Hammers 11 28 19 4.27 109% 109% 91% 55% 18% 64% 18% 18% 18% 18%
- Seacoast United Phantoms 14 40 10 3.57 100% 79% 71% 57% 29% 43% 57% 0% 57% 0%
- Carolina Dynamo 13 30 12 3.23 108% 100% 77% 38% 0% 69% 38% 0% 38% 0%
- Western Mass Pioneers 14 43 8 3.64 93% 79% 71% 64% 43% 29% 71% 7% 64% 0%
- Ironbound 11 11 41 4.73 109% 109% 91% 64% 36% 73% 0% 27% 0% 27%
- Virginia Marauders 12 7 44 4.25 100% 100% 83% 42% 42% 33% 0% 67% 0% 67%
- Christos 12 17 26 3.58 100% 100% 83% 50% 17% 75% 8% 17% 8% 17%
- Boston City 13 12 41 4.08 100% 100% 77% 62% 46% 54% 8% 38% 8% 38%
- Westchester Flames 11 25 20 4.09 109% 109% 91% 45% 36% 91% 18% 0% 18% 0%
- Discoveries 14 16 30 3.29 86% 71% 64% 50% 29% 50% 14% 50% 0% 36%
- Tobacco Road 14 15 27 3.00 93% 86% 64% 36% 14% 64% 7% 36% 0% 29%
- Blackwatch Rush 14 16 26 3.00 100% 79% 64% 36% 21% 64% 14% 21% 14% 21%
- Real Central New Jersey 12 18 26 3.67 100% 83% 75% 58% 33% 58% 25% 17% 25% 17%
- Long Island Rough Riders 12 31 10 3.42 100% 100% 75% 33% 8% 67% 33% 0% 33% 0%
- Vermont Green 13 31 9 3.08 92% 85% 69% 31% 15% 46% 54% 8% 46% 0%
- Ocean City Noreasters 12 30 9 3.25 100% 92% 75% 42% 17% 42% 42% 17% 42% 17%
- North Carolina II 14 31 21 3.71 100% 93% 64% 57% 21% 64% 29% 7% 29% 7%
- Cedar Stars Rush 12 21 21 3.50 100% 83% 67% 33% 25% 50% 33% 17% 33% 17%
- Manhattan 11 28 17 4.09 109% 109% 73% 45% 27% 64% 27% 18% 27% 18%
- Lehigh Valley Utd. Sonic 12 12 29 3.42 100% 92% 67% 50% 33% 58% 0% 42% 0% 42%
- Lionsbridge 12 24 12 3.00 100% 83% 67% 25% 17% 67% 25% 8% 25% 8%
- New Jersey Copa 12 5 27 2.67 92% 83% 67% 25% 0% 42% 8% 58% 0% 50%
- SC United Bantams 14 32 24 4.00 100% 71% 57% 50% 36% 57% 29% 14% 29% 14%
- Charlottesville Blues 11 23 16 3.55 100% 100% 73% 45% 27% 55% 45% 18% 36% 9%
- FC Motown II 11 34 10 4.00 100% 91% 73% 55% 27% 55% 45% 0% 45% 0%
- Northern Virginia 11 29 18 4.27 109% 91% 73% 45% 45% 55% 27% 27% 27% 27%
- West Chester United II 12 25 15 3.33 100% 75% 58% 50% 33% 58% 33% 8% 33% 8%
- Virginia Beach United 12 29 9 3.17 100% 83% 58% 42% 17% 58% 33% 8% 33% 8%
- Staten Island Athletic 12 9 23 2.67 100% 75% 58% 25% 8% 33% 17% 50% 17% 50%
- Black Rock 14 5 32 2.64 100% 71% 43% 29% 14% 21% 0% 79% 0% 79%
- Morris Elite 11 15 19 3.09 91% 82% 55% 27% 9% 64% 18% 27% 9% 18%
- Boston 12 19 8 2.25 92% 50% 33% 25% 17% 42% 33% 33% 25% 25%
Play-off Round Classifica Play-off Round »
  • Unknown
  • Virginia Beach United 2
    SC United Bantams 1
  • Western Mass Pioneers 3
    FC Motown II 1
  • Vermont Green 1
    Reading United 0
Mostra il sorteggio calcisticoRiduci il sorteggio calcistico
Conference - Quarter-finals Classifica Conference - Quarter-finals »
  • Unknown
  • Ballard 1
    Project 51O 2
  • FC Tucson 3
    Flatirons Rush 2
  • Little Rock Rangers 5
    AHFC Royals 2
  • Peoria 2
    Thunder Bay Chill 0
  • Ocean City Noreasters 0
    Seacoast United Phantoms 1
  • Lionsbridge 2
    Western Mass Pioneers 1
  • Michigan Bucks 1
    Cleveland Force 0
  • Asheville City 4
    Nona 0
  • Ventura County Fusion 2
    Albion Colorado 1
  • Long Island Rough Riders 1
    Vermont Green 3
  • Almaden 0
    United PDX 1
  • Des Moines Menace 2
    Milwaukee Bavarians 0
  • Carolina Dynamo 2
    Virginia Beach United 2
  • Fort Wayne 1
    Midwest United 0
  • Corpus Christi 2
    Tennessee 2
  • The Villages 2
    Sarasota Paradise 1
Mostra il sorteggio calcisticoRiduci il sorteggio calcistico
Conference - Semi-finals Classifica Conference - Semi-finals »
  • Unknown
  • FC Tucson 1
    Ventura County Fusion 0
  • Seacoast United Phantoms 3
    Vermont Green 0
  • Little Rock Rangers 1
    Corpus Christi 1
  • Lionsbridge 2
    Carolina Dynamo 0
  • Asheville City 2
    The Villages 1
  • United PDX 2
    Project 51O 2
  • Michigan Bucks 1
    Fort Wayne 1
  • Peoria 3
    Des Moines Menace 3
Mostra il sorteggio calcisticoRiduci il sorteggio calcistico
Conference - Finals Classifica Conference - Finals »
  • final
  • Peoria 1
    Michigan Bucks 0
  • Lionsbridge 3
    Seacoast United Phantoms 6
  • Project 51O 1
    FC Tucson 2
  • Asheville City 1
    Corpus Christi 0
Mostra il sorteggio calcisticoRiduci il sorteggio calcistico
Championship - Semi-finals Classifica Championship - Semi-finals »
  • Unknown
  • Seacoast United Phantoms 1
    Asheville City 0
  • Peoria 5
    FC Tucson 1
Mostra il sorteggio calcisticoRiduci il sorteggio calcistico
Championship - Final Classifica Championship - Final »
  • final
  • Peoria 2
    Seacoast United Phantoms 3
  • Winner
    Seacoast United Phantoms
Mostra il sorteggio calcisticoRiduci il sorteggio calcistico